Durak Tekstil, a leading manufacturer of industrial sewing and embroidery threads, welcomed the leading textile manufacturers of the region at a customer meeting organized in Denizli. In the event attended by more than 120 industry professionals, presentations were made on Durak Tekstil’s corporate development, rich product portfolio, R&D studies, and Renk İplik, which started its operations as a new dealer, was also introduced. The presentations made by Durak Tekstil Board Chairman Hüseyin Kuru, Board Vice Chairman Saadet Oran, Board Member and Marketing Director Yiğit Durak, and Executive Board Chairman Nadiye Kurteş attracted great attention. The participants stated that the event created a strong synergy, meanwhile emphasizing that these sectoral meetings pleased them and opened the door for new opportunities.
Durak Tekstil, a leading manufacturer of industrial sewing and embroidery threads, will participate in Technotextil 2024 to be held at Crocus Expo in Moscow on September 3-5, with its functional and sustainable solutions. Durak Tekstil will present threads, especially those that appeal to professionals from Russia and the surrounding region, at its booth B02 in Hall 14 at the technical textiles, nonwovens, textile production and equipment exhibition.
Durak Tekstil, manufacturer of industrial sewing and embroidery threads, will take part in Texprocess 2024, the textile processing and flexible materials exhibition to be held in Frankfurt on 23-26 April, with its wide product range and innovative solutions. Drawing attention with its threads of high performance, durable, suitable for different industries and containing hundreds of colours, the company will also address the global market with the solutions it has recently developed with R&D.
Durak Tekstil, manufacturer of industrial sewing and embroidery threads, eliminates the problem of insects and flies in many applications, especially in bed and home textile products, with the Bug Safe thread it has developed. Bug Safe thread, free of any chemicals harmful to humans and the environment in addition to its protective feature against insects, contributes to the protection of the ecosystem and the environment by repelling these creatures instead of killing them.
With its wide and rich product range Durak Tekstil increases its strength in Azerbaijan textile industry
Durak Tekstil increases its turnover target by 30 percent in 2024
Focusing on tomorrow with its technical threads, Durak Tekstil participated 16th Istanbul Apparel Conference
Durak Tekstil to present a new thread vision to the mattress industry at IBIA EXPO 2023
Durak Tekstil to show the power of technical threads at Technotextil 2023
Durak Tekstil, one of the leading manufacturers of industrial sewing and embroidery threads, brings the comfort and naturalness of lyocell to the market. The new Lyosense embroidery thread and Lyostitch sewing thread made from 100% lyocell fibre respond to the increasing demands for sustainability and comfort in the apparel and fashion industry. The threads, of which Durak Tekstil successfully completed the R&D process and were successfully used for the first time by some of its leading customers, exceeded the expectations with their performance. Lyosense and Lyostitch threads appeal to manufacturers and brands that want to offer sustainability and comfort together in a variety of applications.
Ogemar Sailing and Yachting, standing out in the maritime world with its QSails brand, has been using Durak Tekstil threads safely for many years in all the sails it produces. The brand, opting for Durak Tekstil Durabond threads especially for their durability, long life and easy processability, produces high quality sails for its global customers.
Firmaların yurt dışı pazarlarda rekabet gücünü artırmayı hedefleyen Turquality Marka Desteği Programı’na kabul edilen Durak Tekstil, bu sayede ihracat pazarlarındaki planlarını hızlı, kolay ve geniş çerçevede gerçekleştirecek.
Durak Tekstil, the leading manufacturer of industrial sewing and embroidery threads, technical and sustainable threads, achieved another important success in 2022, its 50th anniversary. The company was approved to participate in the Turquality Brand Support Program of the T.C. Ministry of Trade and surpassed an important threshold to successfully conclude the Turquality studies. Thanks to Brand Support, which aims to support Turkish companies to reach a more competitive and stronger position in the global market, Durak Tekstil will both increase its power in priority markets and provide significant foreign currency inflows to the Turkish economy.
Bugünlerimizin mimarı, Cumhuriyetimizi bir sanat eseri gibi incelikle işleyen devlet adamı, bağımsızlığımızın en büyük başkomutanı Gazi Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK’e saygı ve minnetle…
News release – Durak Fire Safe Para Aramid® sewing thread can withstand temperatures up to 500 °C, providing the high safety standard that mattress manufacturers must achieve. Superior heat resistance, breaking strength, and non-conductive properties make Durak Fire Safe Para Aramid® sewing thread attractive for mattress manufacturers.
The sectoral journey of Durak Tekstil, started in 1972, summarizes the power of production and the success of a visionary entrepreneurship. The company has turned into one of the important players in the global market in industrial sewing and embroidery threads and has been increasing its growth trend for 50 years with its customer-oriented production approach.
Ankara-based IST Safety Ltd uses Durak Tekstil’s para-aramid sewing threads that can withstand temperatures up to 500 C degrees, and meta-aramid sewing threads that can withstand 370 C degrees, in their protective and heat-resistant clothing. Buying approximately 5 thousand sewing thread bobbins annually from Durak Tekstil, the company continues to increase their power in the market every year.
In response to the increasing demand in the hotel and accommodation sector and in the field of protective clothing Durak Tekstil offers flame-retardant aramid thread types in its portfolio. High-performance Durak Fire Safe P-Aramid and Durak Fire Safe M-Aramid sewing threads with 28 different colors have successful results obtained from international fireproof tests.
KOM has a strong market awareness with its underwear and swimwear products and has been collaborating with Durak Tekstil for 17 years in order to ensure that the products are comfortable and durable. KOM meets more than 80% of their total thread demands from Durak Tekstil and carries out studies that will increase their brand value in the global market.
Mega Yatak has been using Durak Tekstil threads in its products since the first day.
Durak Tekstil, becoming one of the signatories the UN Global Compact, increases its value in the industry as a sustainable brand.
Durak Tekstil, becoming one of the signatories of the world’s largest sustainability initiative, the UN Global Compact, increases its value in the industry as an eco-friendly and sustainable brand. Durak Tekstil determines its roadmap with the aim of being an end-to-end sustainable company and focuses on both environmental protection and social development with its investments.
Durak Tekstil, one of the leading manufacturers of industrial sewing and embroidery threads, participates in the Texprocess 2022 textile processing and flexible materials trade fair, to be held in Frankfurt on June 21-24. Durak Tekstil will host its visitors in Hall 8.0 Stand G60 and will exhibit its new and best-selling threads in the market.
Durak Tekstil, drawing an innovative vision with the principles of technique, art and sustainability, introduced its advanced solutions and shared its inspiring perspective with the entire supply chain of the mattress industry at the IBIA EXPO 2022.
Alanında Türkiye’de sektörünün öncüsü Durak Tekstil, markalaşma ve sürdürülebilirlik hedeflerinde çıtasını sürekli yükselterek, uluslararası arenada devleşme yolunda ilerliyor. Endüstriyel nakış ve dikiş ipliği üretimi ve satışı gerçekleştiren köklü tekstil firması ticarette yarım asrı devirip, ikinci 50. yılına adım atarken hız kesmeden stratejik ve istikrarlı planlarını hayata geçirmeye devam ediyor. Bu noktada Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi ve Pazarlama Direktörü Yiğit Durak ile Turquality Belgesi sahibi Durak Tekstil’in dünden bugüne başarı serüvenini, gelecek planlarını, sektörünü ve biraz da gündemi konuştuk.
Durak Tekstil, one of the leading manufacturers of industrial sewing and embroidery threads, continues to offer innovative solutions to the global market. The company has also become an important solution provider for electronics-based applications such as smart textiles and wearable technologies with its conductive threads. Durak SilverPro 12 and Durak SilverPro 40 conductive threads, which met the market in 2022, can be successfully used in dozens of different smart textile applications from the automotive industry to fashion, home textiles, work and safety wear and medical textiles.
Durak Tekstil met with the sector in Kayseri, the centre of the mattress and furniture production
Durak Tekstil - Atv Avrupa İş Dünyası Programı
Durak Tekstil Yönetim Kurulu Üyemiz Yiğit DURAK ve pazarlama departmanı çalışanlarımız, Yıldırım İMKB Kız Teknik ve Meslek Lisesi öğrenci ve eğitimcileriyle buluştu. Her iki kurumun yöneticileri arasında önemli paylaşımlar gerçekleşti. Eğitimin ve eğitimcilerin her daim destekçisi olan Durak Tekstil, sandık bağışında bulunarak ziyaretini sonlandırdı.
İBİA Expo 2022'nin tanıtımı amacıyla düzenlediğimiz basın toplantımızı sektörün öncü isimleri, basın mensupları ve üyelerimizin yoğun katılımıyla gerçekleştirdik.
Durak Tekstil’in 1972 yılında başlayan sektörel yolculuğu üretimden gelen gücün ve vizyon sahibi bir girişimciliğin başarısını özetliyor. Endüstriyel dikiş ve nakış iplikleri alanında günümüzde küresel pazarın önemli oyuncularından birine dönüşen firma, 50 yıldır müşteri odaklı üretim anlayışıyla büyüme trendini artırarak sürdürüyor.
5 thousand bobbins of aramid thread are used annually On average, 13 to 20 different materials are used in the protective clothing produced by IST, mainly technical fabric, reflective strips and closure elements (velcro fasteners, zippers). Durak Tekstil’s aramid sewing threads fulfil the critical task of bringing these different materials together. IST has been working with Durak Tekstil since 2017 and reached an annual supply volume of 5 thousand bobbins of para-aramid and meta-aramid threads with an ever-increasing capacity.
Balık ağı üretmek için kurulan ve bugün Türkiye’nin önemli endüstriyel iplik üreticileri arasında giren Durak Tekstil, ihracata odaklanıyor. 2020 yılını 20 milyon dolar ciroyla kapattıklarını belirten Durak Tekstil Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi ve Pazarlama Direktörü Yiğit Durak, ihracatın ciro içindeki payını 2023 yılında yüzde 75-80’lere çıkartacaklarını söylüyor.
BURSA, Turkey — September 23, 2021 — Making investments that increased its production capacity during the pandemic, Durak Tekstil has started to reap their fruits in 2021. Durak Tekstil increased its turnover by 20% in the first half of the year compared to the same period of the previous year and reached the market success it targeted in terms of sales and orders.
Sponsoring the Fashion Tech İzmir to support the Turkish textile and clothing industry and to meet with the manufacturers, Durak Tekstil will host its visitors at its booth in fuarizmir with its comprehensive product portfolio on September 15-17.
Türkiye’nin önde gelen endüstriyel dikiş ve nakış iplikleri üreticisi Durak Tekstil, Bursa ve Çin’deki üretim tesislerinde tekstil endüstrisinin artan taleplerine yanıt veriyor. Son yıllarda hızla genişleyen nakışlı uygulamalar için zengin bir ürün portföyüne sahip olan Durak Tekstil, üretim ve kullanım şartlarına dayanıklı, verimli ve yüksek performanslı iplikleriyle bütün endüstriyel uygulamalar için tercih edilen bir üretici konumuna geldi. Su iticilik, anti-statiklik, geç tutuşurluk, anti-bakteriyellik, silikonsuz yapı vb. birçok teknik özellikler Durak Tekstil nakış ipliklerinin kullanım alanlarını genişletiyor.
KOM has a strong market awareness with their underwear and swimwear products and has been collaborating with Durak Tekstil for 17 years in order to ensure that the products are comfortable and durable. KOM meets more than 80% of their total thread demands from Durak Tekstil and carries out studies that will increase their brand value in the global market.
Mega Yatak, who has been producing bedding and home textile products since 2005 in order to offer comfortable and healthy sleep, has managed to become one of the most important players in the market. The company has been using Durak Tekstil threads in its products since the first day, for high-quality standards and customer satisfaction.
Durak Tekstil presented its sewing and embroidery threads portfolio at ISPA EXPO 2022 and left behind the show satisfied.
Durak Tekstil presented its comprehensive sewing and embroidery threads portfolio to the global bedding industry at ISPA EXPO 2022 and left behind the show satisfied with strong growth signals in the American market. Aramid threads with high heat resistance attracted great interest from the visitors.
Durak Tekstil, producing sewing and embroidery threads for various sectors from the apparel to bedding industry, from technical textiles to the footwear industry, will host its visitors with a lively and colorful stand concept at Texprocess 2022.
Fuar Takvimi
Durak Tekstil, one of the leading manufacturers of industrial sewing and embroidery threads, adds value to the garment and ready-to-wear industry with its colorful and different products it developed and produced. Durak Tekstil has many different synthetic, natural and recycled threads in its portfolio, putting its signature under innovations that combine design and functionality. The company, strengthening its ties with the garment industry day by day, not only exhibits its innovative products at the exhibitions it attends, but also presents its sustainability and art-oriented vision.